Agape Bible Study
Permissions Guidelines

Copyright © Agape Bible Study. All Rights Reserved.

This web-site is intended as a free resource for biblical studies.

We encourage the use of all the documents on our web-site. Our only request is that you cite as the source on each document as specified by the guidelines of this permissions document.

Creative Commons License
All works on this web-site licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Proper Attribution
When using our web materials outside of our website, proper attribution must be made according to our standards or in accordance with the referencing guidelines of widely accepted writing style manuals such as the MLA Guidelines, the Chicago Manual of Style, etc except in cases of translation from English which require our citation mandate.  If not using a style manual, please see "Examples of Agape Bible Study Attribution Format" below for examples on how to provide citation/referencing that meet the requirements of our copyright.

Note:  All attributions must be done according to these guidelines but not in any way that suggests that or its author or any of its advisory board members endorses you, your use of our materials, or any other of your endeavors.

The Use of Materials Outside of are regulated as follows:

Individuals are permitted to make quotations from the material on this site, in keeping with the "fair use" provisions of copyright law. In such cases, proper attribution must be made.  No modifications of context and/or text are allowed within quotations.

Other sites are welcome to establish links to our web site.  Links to individual pages are also welcome.

Individuals, parishes, Bible study groups, and other entities may print individual pages of this site or entire Bible studies and may make copies for personal use, sharing with friends, use in a class, etc as long as proper attribution is included. These copies may not be sold.  Those planning on conducting a class using our free materials are encouraged to contact us for additional resources and instruction that are helpful to such endeavors.

Individuals, parishes, Bible study groups, and other entities may download and save the pages housed on this site provided that proper attribution is made which includes the actual URL of the sources downloaded.

Individuals, parishes, Bible study groups, other entities, and any web organization may upload information, documents, and charts  as long as proper attribution is made which for uploading always requires the inclusion of direct web address from which the specific information was obtained.  We ask that you do not upload entire Bible studies but instead link to them.  If, for some reason, you have need to upload an entire Bible study, please contact us at We will respond promptly to your inquiry and provide written permission suited to your needs.

As a global internet website providing free Catholic Bible study materials across the world, we understand that English is not always the most effective language for teaching Scripture in lands foreign to our base of operations.  As such we understand that it may be necessary for Bible study instructors, lay person(s), pastors, deacons, DRE's, etc. to translate our free materials into other languages for effective teaching, and we hereby encourage such practice.  However, translation is allowed only if all of the three following conditions are met:

  1. Before embarking on any translation, you must first contact us at to let us know in advance of your intentions of translation and use.  Written permission for translation will then be granted. All valid written permissions will be granted to a specific person/entity/organization and will bear the signatures of at least two of the advisory board members of Agape Bible Study. A copy of the permission will be sent to that person/entity/organization that made the request and a second copy will be kept on file with Agape Bible Study.
  2. All translated material must be given the proper attribution (as shown by example below), no exceptions.  Established guidelines of citation/reference/translation from outside sources are not acceptable unless given prior written permission.
  3. The translation must be as literal as possible, not adding to or subtracting from any of the original content.  Any additional commentary, clarifications, or study questions must be clearly marked as not a part of the original material produced by

Other Permissions
All other permission requests should be directed to

All permissions granted outside of these guidelines cannot be granted verbally, but only in writing signed by the author and one of the primary advisory board members of  One copy will be sent to the person/group/entity receiving the permission, and one copy will be kept on file with us.  All other written permissions as mentioned previously are conducted in like fashion.

Usage of our materials in any fashion, be it by these guidelines, written permission, or even translation, does not imply or suggest that we endorse you or your work.


Examples of Agape Bible Study Attribution Format:

For Quotations, Charts, Entire Documents, Entire Bible Studies:
Example:  Michal E. Hunt, "The Significance of Numbers in Scripture.", 1998, Revised 2007.

For Uploads, Hard Copy Print Outs:
Example:  Michal E. Hunt, "The Significance of Numbers in Scripture.", 1998, Revised 2007.

In blogs, forums, and other temporary venues where such documentation might be unmanageable, the information specific URL will suffice for uploads or direct links may be used instead.

For Translations
Example:  Michal E. Hunt, "The Significance of Numbers in Scripture.", 1998, Revised 2007.  Translated from the original English. is not responsible for this translation or any translation deviations from the original English.  In the event of discrepancy between this translation and the original English found on, the original English supersedes the content of this translation.