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Baruch with scroll Agape Bible Study
The Book of Baruch

According to its introduction, the Book of Baruch was written by Baruch son of Neriah, after the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the population of Jerusalem and Judah to Babylon (587/6 BC). Baruch, whose name means "blessed," is mentioned 23 times in the Book of Jeremiah. In 605, Jeremiah assigned Baruch the duty of writing down his prophecies and reading them in the liturgical Temple services in the presence of the covenant people. References for the course are found in the Course Bibliography.

Lesson Number Chapters Description Handouts
Lesson 1 Chapter 1 Introduction and
Part I: Baruch and the Jews in Babylon
Lesson 2 Chapters 1:15-3:8 Part II: The Prayer of the Exiles  
Lesson 3 Chapters 3:9-4:4 Part III: A Poem Identifying Wisdom with the Law  
Lesson 4 Chapters 4:5-5:9 Part IV: Personified Jerusalem Consoles the Exiles  
Lesson 5 Chapter 6:1-72 Part V: Jeremiah's Letter to the Exiles  


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