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Zephaniah reading a scroll Agape Bible Study
The Book of Zephaniah

Zephaniah's book, written in the first part of King Josiah's reign, addresses the coming day of doom for the world and Jerusalem in the climatic "Day of Yahweh." In addition to judgment against foreign nations and threats against Judah and Jerusalem, he also offers an invitation to repentance, a promise of deliverance for a holy remnant of the covenant people, and restoration to their land and covenant relationship with God. Zephaniah presents Yahweh as the Lord God, who is the just judge of all peoples and nations. References for the course are found in the Course Bibliography.

Lesson Number Chapters Description Handouts
Lesson 1 Introduction Introduction to the Book of Zephaniah Handouts
Lesson 2 1:1-2:3 Oracles of Universal Judgement  
Lesson 3 2:4-3:20 Prophecies Against the Nations and
Promises of Redemption


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