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Habakkuk with a scroll Agape Bible Study
The Book of Habakkuk

The visions of the prophet Habakkuk dated from c. 605-597 BC. These were the years between the Battle of Carchemish on the Euphrates River in northern Syria when Babylonian general Nebuchadnezzar defeated the Egyptians and took control of the region in 605 BC, and the Babylonian invasion of Judah in 597 BC. During these years, the situation in the Kingdom of Judah was desperate, with the practice of idol worship and political intrigue widespread in the kingdom. References for the course are found in the Course Bibliography.


Lesson Number Chapters Description Handouts
Lesson 1 Introduction Introduction to the Book of Habakkuk Handouts
Lesson 2 Chapters 1-2 Habakkuk's Oracles  
Lesson 3 Chapter 3 Habakkuk's Psalm  


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